



Antonio DeAscanis

Owner | Founder

Antonio DeAscanis

Owner | Founder

If you looked up ideal local gym owner in the dictionary (if you could) there would be a picture of Antonio. 

He strives to provide members a 5-star experience every time they come to the gym. He challenges the coaches to not get complacent with their craft and always strives to learn more and share that knowledge with our athletes (see certifications). He believes every athlete who walks through our door matters. They count for something and they have value. It's his team's duty to live up to the trust members have in them and guide them in their fitness journey. Training a high level athlete is easy...Antonio is passionate about training athletes at all levels. If they give him effort, He will give them everything he has.

"I treasure the craft of coaching through and through. I've suffered for it. I feel it is my responsibility to bring up those around me and share the knowledge I have learned. Seeing athletes getting wins no matter how great or small, will always be rewarding for me. The world is a place of little sympathy, compassion, empathy, and I plan to do my part to change that."

Antonio and wife Kelly and lead the community through their faith. From the top down, goodness is at the forefront of everything they do. They have three young children ages 8, 7, and 5, and are expecting their fourth child this Summer. They are pro-military and love this country. They treat everyone with respect but do not back down when they feel they are being threatened or bullied. They are called to serve. They have sacrificed more than they can say to keep this community strong, healthy, and vibrant. They look to welcome you one day to their home at BLKOPS and help you on your fitness journey!

P.S. Antonio is also a Brand Wizard, Master of Ceremonies, and House and Techno kind of guy. You will love him.


  • CPT
  • CrossFit Level 1 Certified Trainer
  • CrossFit Strongman Trainer
  • CrossFit Gymnastics Trainer
  • CrossFit Mobility Trainer
  • NASM Certified Personal Trainer
  • Freestyle Connection Movement Seminar with Carl Paoli
  • Chad Vaughn/David Durante Gymnastic and Olympic Lifting Clinic
  • Strength System International Certificate Level 1 and Level 2
  • Project Row and Project Ski Certification
  • USA Weightlifting Level 1 Sports Performance Coach
  • Totten Training Systems Advanced Olympic Lifting Certification
  • Marine Corps Martial Arts Black Belt Instructor
  • Marine Corps Drill Instructor and Senior Drill Instructor
  • CPR/AED Certified

Kelly DeAscanis

Owner | Coach

Kelly DeAscanis

Owner | Coach

Jackie image

Jackie Zucco

Executive Officer | XO

Jackie Zucco

Executive Officer | XO

Bio coming soon!

Katie image

Katie Suchodolski

Senior Coach | PT

Katie Suchodolski

Senior Coach | PT

Bio coming soon!

Sydney image

Sydney Reffner

Coach | Operations

Sydney Reffner

Coach | Operations

Bio coming soon!


Steph Swiatek

Coach | Nutrition Coach

Steph Swiatek

Coach | Nutrition Coach


Jessica Joyner

Nutrition Coach

Jessica Joyner

Nutrition Coach


Nick Grajewski

Coach | Youth Athletics

Nick Grajewski

Coach | Youth Athletics

Nick is an accomplished athlete with a background in Collegiate Football and Rugby, Semi-Pro Rugby League, High School Offensive and Defensive Line Coach, High School Strength and Conditioning Coach, Back to Back Division 2 Delaware Football State Champions 19-20/20-21.

What do you love the most about coaching? "The relationships that I am able to build and the growth that I can see over time."

Nick is graduate of the BLKOPS intern program and has become a staple of our community. He is a Lord of the Rings fanatic, tattoo enthusiast, DJ and music lover, and obsessed with his dogs and cats. 


  • Burgener Strength Level 1
  • Heat Illness Prevention
  • Sudden Cardiac Arrest
  • Concussion in Sports

Nicholas Rybinski

GPP Coach

Nicholas Rybinski

GPP Coach

Katie image

Katie Le

Yoga Coach

Katie Le

Yoga Coach

Bio coming soon!

Ryan image

Ryan Ernst

Powerlifting Coach

Ryan Ernst

Powerlifting Coach

Bio coming soon!